Kingswood Tavern, Nuneaton UK
Saturday November 28th 2009
About a month back, I get a email from Andy Vocalist with Nuneaton’s very
own OI! Band The Crux, saying they were back practising and they were
going to do a benefit GIG for Milly a long time friend of the band who sadly
passed away. Milly was an old School Punk, I have some great memories of
myself being a little whippersnapper off to the Camphill Youth Club for the
very first time with a mate of mine Middy and for one reason or another it
looked like we were about to get the kick-in of a life time, that’s until Milly
stepped in and sorted it all out, hey they were the good old days, Our little
town Nuneaton back in the day was full of Punks and Skinheads, sadly very
thin on the ground these days. So a Crux reunion gig, would it bring some
old faces out of the woodwork? A couple of weeks before the gig I went along
to a practice session and I must admit it was work in progress. Higgy had
brought himself a new Bass and was travelling miles and staying in a hotel.
Andy McGrath had brought himself a New PA System, so all the right signs
were there that this gig would really happen, as in the past the Crux have
tried a few practice sessions together but in-house squabbling always
seemed to put an end to things, usually Higgy spitting his dummy out of the
Pram (ha ha). But here I am and things look the business between the four of
them. Andy Garner and Mick McGath still gig on a regular basis with the
Tonics and have no problem with the music side of things, ripping though
those old Crux classics and a few old Punk tunes for gig fillers later on. In
fact they covered 'New Rose' by the Damned and Andy’s drumming at the
end was even better than the best drummer in the world ever, Animal from
the Muppets. And what can I say for Mick, Mick just looks the Part, great
guitar player and the anchor to the band. I must admit Higgy and Andy
McGrath at this point still needed to do their homework, Andy singing from a
song-sheet and Terry (Higgy) Higgins needed to get to grips with the new
bass. But like I say it was work in progress.
The Wednesday and Thursday before the gig they must have worked their
bollocks off because come gig night it was like the Crux of Old. My night
started off like Shit, went to Town to sign on with a fucking Headache like
no other, and even put me off the idea of going, but as it was The Crux I
thought bollocks to It, and there’s nothing like a good session on the beer
to get rid of any bad head. So come 5 o'clock I head out over the road to
chuck a few swift one’s down at Mick Pub and after a few Beers in the belly
things started to pick up, so I soldier on to the Kingswood Tavern where the
gig was at and to an already packed room. Face on Face they had all made
it tonight, apart from the odd one or two from the old days who were always
at those early Crux gigs. No Maggot, no little IGY, no Roderick Hughes, no
Brad the Skin Radar, but just to name a Few in the house tonight, Moz
Stringer, Tommas (Cooker) Meek, Juile Clarke, Mick Clarke, Jim Garner,
Paddy of the Three Ace’s, Shane Coahjarman, and a hell a lot more, if you
were there you know you were there, but if you weren’t then you should
have been. As soon as The Crux hit there very first note the room was a
Buzz of "CLA CLA OK", everything over the last few weeks just came
together on the night, if mistakes were made I never spotted them, or the
fact I was to pissed to care, even the Punk fillers go down great tonight. I diddn’t even notice if Andy sang the
original lyrics to 'Brighton Front', as it was a dig at giving Mods and Rockers a good Kicking by Skins and
Punks, irony here, the Pub they did there practice in, was run by a Biker, and the band they play with tonight
was a SKA band. But whatever the lyrics It was one of there better numbers tonight. 'Liddle Towers' seemed to
get a few Skinheads on to there feet for a dance around the floor, even a few steps myself, but I’m here tonight
shooting photo's like no tomorrow. Andy’s got his Misses to film the show, so Look out folks for the Crux DVD
coming to your local bargain bin very soon (Only Joking Boys). I think they could have done a longer set, but
as Mick and Andy Garner have got to save a little bit of energy for the next set with the Tonics they end the
night where it all started, "CLA CLA OK".
By the time the Tonic come on stage everybody is in a very joyful mood, Gaz in his trade mark dress, soon
as the floor packed with SKA stompers and hit all those classic Nutty Boy tracks with profession. So if "Your
Coming Off The Street Be Prepared To Move Your Feet With The Rock-steady Beat" of The Tonics,
Nuneatons long standing SKA Band, into the night and 'One Step Beyond' and the show comes to a close,
last count over a grand made on the door, which ain’t bad as it was only £3 to get in, and like Gaz of the
Tonics said last night, "Its Not about The Crux or The Tonics, its about honouring the memory of Milly"…..
Nights of Nostalgia
Now writing this is filled up with nostalgia of those Very early Crux gigs, being a 13 old youth with me best mate Igy off to see Uncle Terry’s band in the back of Jim
Garners Pick-Up Truck getting Slammed about by those Amps, to the knuckleduster affair at the Buckshill Pub. Camphill Youth Club Gigs, and The Tamworth Rat Hole
GIG which Martin from the Youthy took Cooker, Moz, Demps and Me. The Nagshead with Cookie dancing around in his German Helmet, The Bisto, The 77 Club with
Criminal Class (Who Called Your Leader Fatty)
Bedworth Civic Hall – With Exposures, Riot Squad and Warzone (Foz Drumstick Drop) And not forgetting the near Riot Nuneaton had when Playing Party in the Park
with the Ruts DC, battling Skins & Punks in the Pissing Down Rain, Too out of it on Mushroom Wine to Give a Shit.
Pity I never made it to London Skunx Gig, but I bet Moz and Cooker remember that one as they had to walk home, only a little walk that one, as me and Buck had to do it
from Great Yarmouth. Talking of Buck, the reason the Crux Woodbine Studio Demo ever came out, is because of his light fingers thieving the Master Tape of The Crux
Manager George. Ho those days of Fun, so whatever happened to those bands back in the day, Bible of Sins, The Filth, memories, memories. Last night brought my
youth back and what a Great Night, Well if it happens again, I’m sure for one to be There..
Sid - Nuneaton 2009 (Still Very Hung Over In The House Of Pain In The Brain)

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