The Crew, Nuneaton
Thursday 31st December 2009
Well here it is again, an end to another Year. Bye to 2009 and welcome 2010.
But before all the chaos of what yet another year will bring, lets at least finish off
2009 with a bang! Me myself I’m heading off to see the Crux only second gig
played in 20 plus years, down at the Crew in Nuneaton.
Nip in the Cock 'n' Bear Pub for a few swift one’s on my way. Nuneaton has
already become the hot bed of activity as the Police sirens rip out the Blues and
Two’s while I make my way to the gig. But its New Years Eve and its become
common place in most towns and cities for the festive chaos to start early as its
only around Six O’Clock. There are a few in the Crew already and the
atmosphere is one of good nature. There is a few faces I know so its time to
knock the beers back and natter about 2009 and I will see you all next year
sometime. But the hours soon pass and the Venue doors open, it’s
a TENNER on the door tonight, which I’m lucky I get to swerve and
get in for free. I head to my next port of call and Grab myself another
beer at the bar.
It’s a three band line up tonight which the Crux are going on first
(which is fine by me as I’m heading out of town to another Party later).
So sorry for missing the other bands tonight but hope your sets
went well. Higgy from the Crux is a no show tonight, so Bass duties
are down to Mick’s daughter to play on those Punk gig fillers, which
for a young 12 or 13 year old she sure can play the bass. Don’t
know if she as ever done anything like this in the past, but this girl
plays like a Professional, can not fault her one little bit. I’m told by
Andy later that they only had the one practice session and they
seemed to have nailed the lot, as songs like, the UK Subs C.I.D and
The Damned 'New Rose' go down a storm with this baying for more
crowd. But its time for of few of the Crux classic’s. So Brendon is
back on bass and the walls of the Crew come alive once more with
'C.L.A,' not heard in here since the club was called the '77 Club
(where bands like the Pistols once played). The room is bouncing
with bodies to every beat of Andy Garners drum Kit. Mick, Andy,
Brendon McGrath Brothers unite and the Crux gives us what
the Crux is all about. Street music for the jilted generation! 'We
Don’t Want War but We’re Got It'….'Riot', 'Skinhead' and 'Liddle Towers' seem to work better tonight and more people are going off their bollocks and really getting
their moneys worth. Whether this will be the last ever gig by the band or not? It was great to hear those tunes played once again. I think Andy would do it all again,
so keep ya eyes open for a Crux Gig coming to a town by you very soon!
Sid - (Nuneaton) 1st Jan 2010....Very Hung Over (HAPPY NEW YEAR)

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