Iggy Pop  - (DC Collection)
Iggy Pop giving us an impression of
fellow wrinkly Neil Young

Well here he is (circa late 70's),
complete with old lady scarf
headwear...the Godfather of Punk
himself, Mr James Osterberg,
otherwise known as
Iggy Pop. He
was 67 on April 30th 2014 and still
younger than Charlie Harper can yer
believe? But Iggy has witnessed and
experienced far more than any sane
man could endure in one lifetime.
Self mutilation, drink and drug abuse,
gymnastic audience injuries, mental
home patient, near fatal car crashes
and as Dick Vein once told me bouts
of accoustic self pity. etc. The list just
rolls on. This spectacular, influential
and masochistic showman has had
more falls than a rooky stilt walker.
But he's still here today.