Moggy (19) and Eden (16) - 1981 (Virginia Turbett)
1970's - 1980's - 1990's - 21ST C. - BAND GALLERY'S - DEADLY DUO'S - PUNK COUPLES
Moggy (19) and Eden (16), both

Moggy: Yeah, I was here at the beginning. It all means nothing now; though it's getting better with all the Oi bands. I like The Exploited, Anti Pasti and Rigor Mortis. Punk is more of an attitude than just a way of dressing up. The uniform shows what you are. It becomes a way of life, of not conforming to the system. Life's getting redundant. People's attitudes are too boring. I'm on the dole. Neither of us want to work. The only clothes I've got are the ones
I'm wearing. You see Teds, 40 and 50 years old, going around in all the gear. If you were a 40-year-old punk it'd look daft. Five years time I'll be the same as now. Twenty years I'll be dead.
Eden: I spend all my dole money on clothes and we ponce money for food. I don't normally wear these clothes. I borrowed them 'cos mine are dirty. All the Futurists used to be punks. We've stuck by it, like a religion. All these little punk kids . .. they're all part-time; they only do it for the weekend. I'll always be a punk. I want my kids to be punks.