Sid Vicious
No One Is Innocent
by Alan Parker
Hardback 288 pages.
Ever get the feeling you've been cheated? Well certainly not
with Alan Parker's new book on the Punk Icon that was Sid
Vicious. It's Parker's third book on the subject matter of Sid and
by far his best, with a bit of page pinching from the previous
two books and any obtainable source that Alan could muster
he set about putting his plan into obvious affect, that a plan
with in three books would bring us closer to the myth that was
Sid Vicious.
Picking over the bones with mother Vicious Alan would gain an insight into
Anne's one and only son, Simon, but would this input put him off the truth to
what really happened at the Chelsea Hotel? Or what really happened the night
of Sid's death? All can never be clear. As the book unfolds there are nuggets
of gold but still the truth will be always hidden deep. The story paints a far bitter
and twisted look at Sid from a Johnny Rotten/John Lydon point of view who
shed tears at the end of the 'Filth and Fury' movie. Did he care for Sid or just
hated the fact that the new Zombie version junk monkey wasn't the same
busking buddy of Art school days. Throughout this book Malcolm Mclaren
seems to put the blame more towards Anne and not John for the downfall of
Sid. And he himself is painted more as being a likeable character. It's a who's
who of the Sex Pistols claim to fame, and the stories they so (SELL) tell. What
is true is this book offers more than most and from lots of individuals what are
never really the obvious people connected with the Pistols/Sid story to date.
We hear from the likes of Eileen Polk, friend to Michelle Robinson or Michelle
Robison which is how her name was spelt. Eileen Polk's photo of Sid and
Michelle which features in the middle of the book is taken backstage of a
Blondie gig. And shows Sid still in 'Pretty Vacant' mood. Whether the memory
of Nancy is lingering like a smell from a rotting corpse or Sid knew for real that
his quotation of being dead before the age of 21 would be the ghost that
haunts him as Sid had only days left upon the Clock is anyones guess? Great
book to pick up and very hard to put down, but with me I still want things
answered. Was Sid a rent boy? Did he get raped in Rikers Island? Is there any
live footage of the Vicious White Kids? And is the sex video of Sid and Nancy
really out there or was this just another story of the most talked about Punk
couple ever to hit this planet? One thing is left in mind Sid Vicious would now
be 50 and like Johnny said about watching old dinosaurs on stage, would the
ageing Vicious be alive today still be Punking it out with the rest of them? One
can never tell, but one thing Sid was he was something else, wether up on stage with the Sex Pistols/Vicious White Kids or just
giving an interview to a dumb unexpectant journalist with some of Sid's psycho babble, weather he understood himself or not, he
was so street smart (or was he?). But like many have said about Sid, there was only green lights and no off button and as soon
as that junkie fix hit his vein there was no going back. Sid booked his ticket to Rock 'n' Roll Babylon. (R.I.P Sid Vicious) Friday 1O
May 1957 - Friday 2 February 1979.........
Sid Nuneaton June 2007
ISBN-10: 0752875469
ISBN-13: 9780752875460
Publication: May 2007