Duane Peters
Is the lead singer in LA's most frighteningly real
punk band of the last decade...US BOMBS.
He's lived, abused and fucked around the block
so many times it's a miracle he's still alive. So
when I spotted these columns on the Epitaph
site (thanx to Erin) I couldn't resist but to swipe
'em and display 'em here. I seen some really
great ones from previous tours that I lost In the
midsts of time? So if anyone knows where
there's more of Duanes diary writing I'd be very
interested and so would you.
U.S. Bombs : 06/25/2001
Well , Another Leg of another tour Down! Canada was Different! And we had a good time for the most part ! We
thank all who Danced and all who got out of their living holes to come out and support the tour! Charlie from The
Deviets and Rudy from Union for doin Double duty every night up here so we had some bass with our shows! The
bands on the tour were really great ! and kurt and brian for all their help Every night! Epitaph,and all the sponsers!
and thats about it! were off for ten east coast shows with Union 13,and then 3 weeks of europe! one week home
and off to support the CIRCLE JERKS! in the states! U.S.BOMBS!

U.S. Bombs : 06/12/2001
Hey Punks and the Likes! Got thru the Border! All the bands and members except for my bass player Wade of
the Bombs! we all have a checkered past and when we came in we thought best to spread out! three went in with
the van and I rode my skate in, wade wore a tourist out fit complete with camera around his neck,kakie pants and
a phoenix TX hat,and got nabed right away! paper work like a phone book and no go! so he waited an hour and
went threw the woods and hopped the border ,walked about 3 miles around,got to a gas station back by the
border(about a half mile or so up the main road) and a patrol guy that helped him earlyier just happened to be
drivin by,and as wade was about to call a cab at a phone booth the man pulled up and says"how we doin MR
walston!" so they arrested and deported him,and assured him they were pissed and he would get no less than six
months if he tryed to get in again! so he hitched a ride with some crab trapper back to seattle and flew home till
we hit the east coast back in the states and for europe! In the mean time? Nothin new for us! the circus
continues,the Deviets Rocked Vancouver, The place was a little repressed but eventually the shy crowd started to
move!they have a new drummer now and the kid didnt miss a fucking beat! these guys give there all every night
no matter what and Bryan stirs up the shit by shoven the front row of kids like"what are you dead?Fucking move
it!" and they do! UNION!!!!! 13 that is! these guys are ROAD FUCKING DOGS!!!! Always full boar !Always Ripp it
up! And As Always Really rile'n the place up! Fast! Pissed Off! And "WHO THE FUCK ARE
YOU????!!!!!"WERE UNION 13!!!!! The Bombs up next and we are wingin it baby! can you say Mass
Trebble?!We figure the cramps did it ! the Dead boys had no bass! so fuck the bass! And went with it ! we aint
the Cramps and we aint the dead boys!!!HaH! not yet! Like good scouts we did the best we can and it went over
fine! we are gonna have some of the other bands lone us some bass guys in a few shows so it should be fun!
GUTTERMOUTH!!!!!! THE KIDS GO APE SHIT! And what can ya say? Every night they really play a healthy set
and get really involved with the audience!and they Love em! They all Dance ,they all sing,Mark does punk rock
arobics non stop for about 30 songs or so! there like ever ready! and the kids leave soaking wet and
Bata-fucking -bing! another night down and were all off to the next one! Stay Punk!!!! Stay Alive!!!!
