The Mohawks?
Dub Jam Force
Queens Hall, Nuneaton, UK
Friday December 5th 2008
Well it's a rainy night in December and I'm off to see Discharge play at Nuneaton's
Queens Hall. Some 20 years plus since they came to town to do their thing at the 77
Club. I'm cold and wet and if this was a western you would see tumble weed on the
ground. The club is so dead and there is only about 1 hour before GIG doors open. I
grab myself a drink and have a chat to Brendan the Crux old bass player. Before you
know it the gigs in full flow but the punters are very thin on the ground, not counting the
three bands and their roadies theres only a hand full to grace this GIG, 50 People tops!
First band on are Dub Jam Force Coventry Punks since 1976.
They play a Punk Dub sound like King Tubby meets the Punk
Rockers Uptown .This music is about Punk attitude if you don't
like it, don't listen! The band are George Dubfire = Drums (Ex
SKA Orchestra. Tim Dub Healey = Bass Keyboards Guitar &
Dub Control Master of the mix. And Fred Waight (ex Criminal
Class) = Guitar & vocals and still fucking Mad after all those
years. Not my Words but lifted from their MYSPACE web page.
This Trio goes down well with me they come across as a mix
between The Red Skins and The Ruts with heavy Dub Bass
any Raster would bang his dreads too. Vocalist Fred (Ex -
Criminal Class) member has sure left those 'Blood on the
Streets' days long behind with Craig St' Leon. Because this
band are poles apart and very much for the better in many
different ways. But try telling this to a limited audience that as
each song ends its only met by muffled applause. Any way the
blokes plod onwards with tracks like, 'Judas', 'Jerusalem' and
'Hum Didly Hum' which certainly won me over as a fan. Hope to
see them again, maybe next time they'll have a CD in the
I grab myself a drink and check
out the Discharge stall but only
up to date stuff was for sale to
go with the recent 'Desensitise'
Tour. Not a picture of Cal in
sight, so no Discharge DVD
for me today, but I buy
myself a new T-shirt and
barter £2 off the asking price,
so good result there.
The second band on tonight
I'm going to have to call the
Mohawks, as three out the
four in the band all have
them. I never got any info
off them to say who they
were and where they were
from??? They feature a
female vocalist who has that
Snap Her look about her.
And with the voice like
Brodie from the Distillers.
Maybe its just me but tonight
support bands are well worth
that trek out in the rain.
But even this little beauty cannot motivate this audience, as she jumps from the stage and dances around the
floor to a crowd who are stuck firmly to their spot.
But now its what we have all been waiting for as Rat, Rainy and Bones take to the stage. Is this the time
Nuneaton's Queens Hall comes alive? NO its to no avail there is no motivation here tonight (hold on) footsteps
towards the stage... people dancing and singing too. Hold on a minute that was me, but soon I've a friend
along side and things start to happen. Discharge are in fine form, for a minute or two it was the Discharge of
old, nobody would know that Cal had given up the ghost to a Rat Varuker. Last time I went to see Discharge
play with Cal he had long hair and the vocals were a helluva lot different from say 'Why' to 'Grave New World',
but here tonight Rat is in fine fettle and he gives this line up of Discharge what we needed back. The power to
grace songs like 'I Aint No Feeble Bastard' and 'Decontrol' with the venom these songs need. The band itself
are back at their best music wise, Discharge 'Desensitise' CD is a return to Discharge being Discharge!
(BIG Cheers) Rat for the free CD, I think you do justice to Cal's vocal spot and long may you reign, but don't
leave it so long before you return again. Maybe next time you will get the bigger turnout, we shall just wait and
see!? All in all not a Bad GIG!
Sid - Nuneaton December 2008

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