Tardis (DJ)
Spring and Airbreak, Belfast, NI
Saturday 4th October 2008
This was not your normal rowdy punk gig, it turned out to be a weird one but a good one.
Name dropping and details following...
Tonight's gig was part of the national "Oxjam 08" fund raising drive by the Oxfam charity.
Which is basically a number of gigs in a number of venues featuring a host of different
acts from all genres, to raise as much cash as possible for a worthy cause. That deserves
as much support as possible.
Sadly tonight punters were a bit thin on the ground, as it was monsoon season yet again
here in Belfast. It was understandable that people were reluctant to venture out to a gig into a torrential downpour and get a
serious soaking in the process. Poor advertising may also have played a big part in the disappointing turnout?
The punks of Belfast will get a second chance tonight though to
make amends and bump up the Oxjam 08 charity coffers at the
Empire. Four DJ's Colin Bateman (world famous author), Terri
Hooley (local punk Svengali), Stuart Bailie (ex NME journo and
radio personality) and finally local legend from our punky
childhoods Kyle Leitch. Who spins a variety of tunes under the
banner "The Harp bar jukebox versus the reggae soundclash".
So an interesting evening is promised with all proceeds again
going to Oxfam.
When me and my constant sidekick these days Spiky Steve
arrived at the venue. We were met at the door by local well
known rockabilly man mountain "Phil the Bear". Phil has been a
fixture at gigs in the city since the 70's. Alongside a certain shy
and retiring gentleman who goes by the name of Mr Terri Hooley,
who you may have heard of? Terri was on great form as we
spoke outside at the smokers corner (I'm a reformed smoker
myself of 28 years, filthy habit!), but I really enjoyed the chat.
As we nattered more old punky faces started to appear walking
along the street towards us. Charlie Reilly the ex front man of
the great lost NI punk band Stage B who never got the
recognition they deserved. And punk author Sean O'Neill
amongst others. It was shaping up to be a good night.
Inside DJ Tardis was spinning an eclectic selection of 45s to an empty haunted
looking dance floor, including a new cover version of an old Rudi tune 'Radio
On' from the upcoming 'Good Vibes' tribute CD (more about that later).
Meanwhile a few feet away at the bar there was the surreal sight of Petesy
Burns ex Stalag 17 and current $hame Academy/A Political drummer, sham
boxing with a local old school punk maniac 'Big Ben'. Which quickly followed by
BB chasing Mickey Mckenna ex Stalag 17/ A Political around the venue with a
rather large opened umbrella. The pissed off bar staff soon put an end to
these shenanigans, though. It was clear to see that this was gonna be no
ordinary night.
Band wise the highly rated Velma were first up and played an energetic mix of
spiky indy pop, which went down well with the crowd. Not really my thing, but the
band are very highly regarded in local music circles and are being touted as
the next big thing out of Belfast, so watch out!
What more can I say about $hame Academy that I haven't said before? I've
praised them to the hilt in the past, probably looking like a sycophant in the
process (You's said it Joe lol -PDC). But hey! They are a great band! They
were my teenage punk heroes and a great bunch of lads with a punk pedigree
to die for. So I make no apologies for being an over enthusiastic fan! This is the
first $A gig since their triumphant Rebellion festival 08 performance in Blackpool
back in August, when they blew both SLF and the Rezillos off stage! Plus its the
first $A show I've attended in a while, due to conflicting diary dates etc. So you
can say I was really looking forward to the show.
Over the past half decade I think its fair to say that original rush of blood to the
head and heart that you felt 5 years ago when you first saw members of some of
your favourite local punk bands from a time long long ago reunited after years
away, has now subsided! Its still gratifying that your left with a legendary band
today that has a set of timeless songs that are possibly being played live better
now than ever.
And amid good natured banter from the band and fans alike at each show.
After a minor delay due to Greg's bass amp committing hari kari onstage, the gig
finally got underway slightly later than originally planned.
Tonight we were treated to great versions of Rudi's 'Who You?', 'When I Was
Dead' and the Outcasts 'Gangland Warfare', which are pretty new to their ever
rotating set of classics, plus all the standards we know and love.
I remember looking across the still unbothered dance-floor at some point during the
set at the few dancers throwing themselves about in acres of space. Thinking this
looks just like one of the 1977 Roxy Club film scenes from the Punk Rock Movie,
only these punters are less stylish!
I don't know what it was about the atmosphere in the club? But it was very relaxed
and pretty weird as I said previously, quite unlike the usual run of the mill frantic
punk rock shows.
Strange but enjoyable for us oldies not up to the physical effort of pogoing without the inevitable side effects next day. I suppose it could be worse though we
could be making prats of ourselves on TV advertising butter like one of our former anti heroes. As a young pro-to guitar hero in the making Spiky Steve was
well impressed with Youngsy's guitar shredding, in fact the whole band was sounding seriously tight now they've got a substantial amount of gigs under their
collective belts. So their recent bout of intense gigging is definitely paying dividends. $hame Academy are an excellent live band and shakey YouTube
footage good as it is, doesn't do them justice so catch them live when you get the chance.
What about a couple of new $hame Academy numbers guys, to mark the bands time before its too late? You're more than capable to deliver!
The spirit of NI '78 is alive and well as long as we have $hame Academy.
There may be another local punk extravaganza at the Empire on 1.11.08 featuring my old buddies the Ex Producers, $hame Academy and from Derry The
Arturos (ex Moondogs) still to be confirmed at the time of writing.
But the next definite big local punk gig in town is the Immortal records Good Vibrations tribute CD launch on 15.11.08. Which promises to be a very big night,
this show will again be headlined by $hame Academy with some very special support acts in tow. See you there!!!
Joe Donnelly - Belfast 5/10/08

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