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Adam Ant & The good, The Bad
& The Lovely Posse
Georgie Girl & The Pussy Posse
Vicar Street, Dublin
25th November 2011
Nearly took a fucking heart attack last Saturday evening when I discovered that Adam
Ant was playing a low key gig in Dublin the following friday night, and I didn't have a
ticket! Thank you to 'Vive Le Rock' mag for informing me, because I saw no other
advertising at all for the show. So while in a blind panic, I thankfully managed to secure
two tickets for $$ & me, and all was well with the world again.
When we entered the rapidly filling up venue, there was a continuous loop of maximum rockabilly blasting from
the PA before and after each band, which was sounding very cool.
Without warning the rockin tunes stopped and four young ladies looking like the little dressed up sisters of
Imelda May came strolling on to the stage and took up their positions. Apparently this
was Georgie Girl and the Pussy Posse. Never heard of them before tonight? And I
don't want to rake up old news but the singer looked very familiar.
Have you ever heard of the former Satanic Sluts member Georgina Bailey? No!, well
what about the recent 'Sachsgate' scandal which got the awful Russell Brand &
Jonathon Ross fired from their cushy jobs at the BBC. Yeah! that was her, and I'm
pretty sure her being Adam Ant's girlfriend may also have helped secure the band this
support slot, because Georgina really isn't that strong a singer which is surprising as
she's also one of AA's backing vocalists.
I'm being a little harsh here because GG&TPP are really not that bad, and I did like
them. Their conflicting 50's styling and their glam sound works well, but their choice of
covers midway in such a short set ('Robert Palmers 'Addicted To Love' & Alice
Cooper's 'Only Women Bleed', were pretty poor selections. Having said that, they
quickly redeemed themselves with a couple of very good originals 'You're All I Need'
and 'When Was The Last Time You Had Sex?'. Overall I'd say they are definitely a
work in progress.
Addicted To Love
Only Women Bleed
You're All I Need
When Was The Last Time You Had Sex?
I've waited a very longtime for this. I've been an Ants fan
since their punk rock beginnings. Though the later
pantomime pop really did nothing for me, and this was
where we went our seperate ways shortly after 'Stand &
Deliver'. Vicar Street is not a large venue so you can
imagine what a treat it was to get up close and personal to
such a legend.
The lights went down and his new band came on stage first,
and then on he sauntered, everything to do with this show
was stripped down and back to basics, with an extremely
punk friendly vibe. There was no silly pirate ship props etc
this time, he looked relaxed, happy and in control. It had
been 25 years since his last (and only ever) Irish gigs, and
the patient fans gave him a heroes welcome.
His health problems are well documented, but tonight Adam Ant looked really well with
a touch of mean rock star attitude about
him which in my book is no bad thing.
The blue black hussar look is a throwback
to his showbiz days, and to be honest it
was quite striking. The seminal '77 punk
classic 'Plastic Surgery' was the first song
played from a crowd pleasing and well
thought out 28 song set list to die for!
At this point a couple of baldy middle age
dick heads were finding it hard to control
themselves and started pushing & jumping
around with little regard for everyone else.
So we had words and I nearly got into a
punch up with one of them, while a huge
rockabilly was going to batter the other
idiot because he knocked his pint out of
his hand.
His band The Good, The Mad & The
Lovely Posse didn't put a foot wrong,
and did all those great songs justice. As
for the two drum kits, they were so loud it
sounded like bombs were dropping and
exploding all around.
When they cranked out 'Zerox',
'Deutscher Girls', 'Kick', 'Cartrouble' and
'Christian D'ior' etc etc. It was like being
back in the late 70's all over again and I
was loving it. 'Fall In' brought back
great memories of teenage Tuesday
nights at the Hitchin Post disco, while
the single new song 'Vince Taylor' was
a very promising peek at whats to come
in the near future.
Can this get any better? Yes it can!
We've already had a non-stop stream
of punk rock classics, now he's doing
T-Rex covers plus $$ and every other
male in the audience fully appreciated
the nudge nudge burlesque elements
of the show lol.
Without a doubt this was one of the best gigs I've ever attended, if you weren't here I'm sorry to tell you
that you missed an absolute cracker. The Adam Ant & The Good, The Mad &The Lovely Posse time
machine made an old (ish) ex-punk very happy here tonight.
Happy Birthday Adam for the 3.12.11, It's good to have you back to your punk rock best.
Joe Donnelly Belfast 26.11.11.

MORE GIGS: 2011 - 2010 - 2009 - 2008 - 2007 - 2006 - 2005 - 2004 - 2003 - 2002 - 2001
Plastic Surgery
Dog Eat Dog
Beat My Guest
Ants Invasion
Deutcher Girls
Stand & Deliver
Puss 'n' Boots
Kings Of The Wild Frontier
Vince Taylor
Whip In My Valise
Desperate But Not Serious
Never Trust A Man With Egg On His Face
Goody Two Shoes
Vive Le Rock
Christian D'or
Fall In
Prince Charming
Red Scab
Get It On
20th Century Boy