The Exports (Nuneaton)
First Wave (Leicester)
Nuneaton, Queens Hall, UK
29th November 2013
The Good, the Bad & the Ugly
So Buzzocks in Nuneaton for the first time! I think I will have a bit of that,
and grab myself a couple of tickets months back and watch the days slowly
pass by. The day comes and I’m up with the larks, Shit, Showered and
Shaved, even Crimp my hair with arm Deodorant. I’m so Rock ‘n’ Roll me and don’t work by the way. Anyway I head out early on the off chance I
could grab a couple of snaps of Pete Shelley and Steve Diggle. I also try and sell me spare ticket as me mate IGY drops out from going and I need
the cash. But that’s when it all starts going pair shaped.
As soon as I try and take a picture with my new £250 Nikon camera, all
I get is lens error? Fucking things gone a bollock after just three
months! Could be the fact that I’ve dropped it more that once over this
time (BEER) who the fuck knows? One thing I do know it was working
fine last night fully charged, but hey ho that’s the way it goes. Could of
gone back home to get me old one, but I thought fuck it and start to
get rat arsed instead. Lucky for me a punter needs the ticket and I get
myself more beer money. I start again to try me Camera, but still get
the same error coming up, so lucky it can power out and save the
battery life. Head into town now with Dude and Tracy but with messing
about with me camera I miss the Buzzcocks heading in the venue.
So we go for a couple of swift ones in the Library, better known as
Yates's Wine Lodge and meet up with the usual crew who were coming
to the gig later. It may be called the Library but its a far from quiet with
a rowdy bunch of upstarts swigging their lives away, ha ha room for
me to talk. After a few swift one’s we head back to The Queens Hall to
watch the support bands which I’m very surprised at, as they were
both really good!
Would like to give you more details here, but I lost all my info. But as
far as I remember, I was was going to give them both good reviews,
methinks I had far too much beer at this point, and still carry on
knocking them back when the Buzzcocks hit the stage. I make my
way to the front and record “Video Wise” the Buzzcocks opener,
which is my favourite track by them called ‘Boredom’. Been a fan ever
since I brought the Spiral Scratch EP with Howard Devoto on vocals,
but Pete Shelley been knocking out these numbers for so long
sometimes you forget he was not the original vocalist from the
beginning. And what vocals that man has. If you closed your eyes that night you would of thought you just had your record
player cranked up really high (Sounds like another Manchester band creeping in there). As for Steve Diggle forget about
‘Love Battery’ that blokes Duracell’s are in overdrive, this mans got some energy seems sometimes strange laid next to the
very laid back Pete Shelley, but it works all the same. By the time they reach mind set with ‘Noise Annoys’ the crowd are
going mental. At this point myself I’m very much doing the same as my camera fucks up once again, just shooting off blurred
shots, but nothing I can do. So give up the ghost with it as it looks like the battery cell as died, gutted!!! But who cares, the
Buzzcocks hit the big numbers, ‘Breakdown’, ‘Promises’, ‘What Do I Get’, and they’re done, but soon they’re back on the
Stage, with four more, greeted this now overwhelmed crowd who loved it. ‘Harmony In My Head’, ‘Ever Fallen In Love’,
‘Orgasm Addict’ and ‘Oh Shit!’. They came and went before storming the place with music to dance to, music to move to, this
was the Buzzcock wardance (Killing Joke) and they just showed you why they’re still in the business all these years later.
Because they are craftsmen with heart and passion in what they do.
Cheers Buzzcocks and support lets do it all again soon! Well as soon as me hangover fucks off.
On a plus point, I took me camera back and got a full refund (Lucky Me).
Sid Nuneaton (1st December 2013)