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Slade Rooms, Wolverhampton
Friday 24th November 2017
Admission £20
In a word breathless! I was expecting a new album promotional hard
sell gig, but was hit by a barrage of non stop oldies at breakneck
speed in what I can only call a pension top up tour (ha ha). A few
cyders around the town got the old heart and adrenalin going, then
down the gig. A venue where the bouncers couldn't find a place to
stamp me due to tattoos, but in a rare case of humour pointed out
that they ain't gonna forget me if I went out for a fag as I have a
bullet hole tattooed on my forehead (snigger).
I got a pint and caught the last 5 songs of CRIMINAL INTENT who to be
honest I hadn't heard? They play tight and fast and like a chant. They look
good and had a good following. These Bristolian's are ship shape and
Bristol fashion and have four albums out. I purchased the first (Debut) and
last ('Life To Defend') and will be catching up on what I've missed.
Anyway to the main event, late on stage due to West Ham playing me thinks.
We were treated to a blitzkrieg of Sham nostalgia Ramones style. Jimmy
looking pinned and more like Iggy than ever. They tore into it 1-2-3-4 "What
ave we got fuck all", 'Borstal Breakout', 'Questions And Answers', 'Rip-Off',
'If The Kids Are United' et all. Jimmy hanging on to his mic for a breather, he
let the 300 plus crowd in the pogo pit do the choruses and they were happy
to oblige. And then in a moment, it was over. As we were calling for an encore.
Back on stage a faux pa... he called us Peaky Blinders! No James were no
more Peaky Blinders than you are Cockneys - were 'Yam Yams', anyway all
is forgiven, As they launch into 'Hersham Boys' (greatest Cockney rip-off).
A respectful nod to the Clash with 'White Riot' and a thunderous finale
'Hurry Up Harry'. I think as I was drunk by then and swaying and suffering white noise. But all told great gig, great venue, great atmosphere, great
band, great memories and a great shot of teenage angst in the veins of an old cunt (me).
![Sham 69 wolves nov 24th 2017 (Punk Rocker)](shamwolvesnov24th17a.png)
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