UVP Productions & Spectacle
Released in the UK 2007
Directed by Zillah Minx
It's been a long time coming for me, but I finally got to see 'She's A Punk Rocker' last
night and was it worth the long wait? Yes! It most certainly was.
So good to hear an interesting selection of new and varied perspectives from the various female
participants featured in the film such as...Michelle Brigandage, Gee Vaucher, Gaye Advert,
Vi Subversa' amongst others. Instead of the same old same old bunch of rent-a-punk wrinkly
talking heads retelling their well worn stories of life during the punk wars ad nauseam. Which are
frankly getting hard to sit through in 2010 after what now seems like an eternity of relentless
repetition (yawn!).
I Really enjoyed this short film, and even though its only has a running time
of around an hour its bursting at the seams with passion, imagination and
life experiences all documented and captured forever in every frame.
Yeah, theres no mega bucks investment on show here. But both
graphically and factually it holds your attention throughout, even though it
was clearly all done in true punk style on a limited DIY shoe-string budget.
So a round of applause to everyone involved especially Director 'Zillah
Now everyone-else, its your duty to go check the film out either on
download, DVD or cinema Q & A, its well worth the effort. For more
information go to http://uvp-productions.co.uk/index.html
Merry Dickensian Christmas and a punky new year.
Joe Donnelly - Belfast 13th December 2010.
Post script: Wouldn't it be great if there was a sequel or extended version
'She's A Punk Rocker 2' in the future, maybe also featuring the likes of
Pamela Rooke (Jordan), Honey Bane, Beki Bondage, Pauline Murray, Soo
Catwoman................(add your own candidates). (how about Charlie from the Sick Things or Helen Killer (LA) - PDC)
Probably wishful thinking on my part, but you never know because if you don't ask you don't get.