It could only happen in Punk. What was once
deemed a revolutionary form of music, breaking
new ground pushing new boundarys and
creating new highs in anger. We innevitably
got copycats, fakes and obvious plaigarism.
A lot of bands were ridiculed for this and some actually did
copy the groundbreakers with varying degrees of success.
Well it was the latest fad and some wanted a chunk of the
action, others were less talented and hadn't much choice
but to follow like sheep.
Everyone wanted to be part of this punk phenomenon
which was sweeping the nation. And of course the kids
started dressing the same as the bands who they were
into. We stuck soap in our hair, bought or nicked a leather,
pulled faces at wary shoppers and wore pins coz it was fun.
We all become a sort of clone in the end trying our
hardest to take an individual swipe at what we read and
seen as punk. Without a doubt the Pistols were the most
imitated of the punk bands but that kinda influence is
absolutely everywhere these days be it Green Day clones,
Riot/clones or Darby Crash clones and tributes making a
nice little meal ticket playing other peoples music and
giving kids who wernt' born in 77 a chance to savour what
was once a part of history. We are sometimes outraged,
amused and slighty embarresed by it all, because lets face it individualism is a much sought after commodity in this day 'n' age.
However curiosity still kills the cat, so we go along to see how wrong these clones play. But if you really wanna know where it all
started head back to the dark distant past of 1979 in the letters page of Sounds music publication. You start to notice a small
trickle of Nancy clones appearing much to our amusement. Then of course where's theres Nancy, theres a Sid clone. Almost
immediately after he bit the dust there was an avalanche of Sid Clones pulling faces in photo booths the length 'n' breath of a
nation vying for that covetted title of the best Sid look-a-like. It's highly amusing in retrospect coz every town and city throughout
Britain had a Sid. As we all now live in a world of fully fledged Sex Pistols tributes playing the boards, Sid N Nancy films to study
made with real method actors, and a whole host of punk history being duplicated re-enacted and played out before our very
eyes, do we actually need the real thing?
I have a bunch of other punk clones I wanna show you and some are near enough spits its unreal while others are here to see
what measures people will go to ape their heroes....
Peter Don't Care

ARE YOU A CLONE OR WERE ONCE ONE? MAYBE YOU KNOW SOMEONE WHO IS OR WAS? If so send an image in like Sid from Nuneaton did (below) when he was a teeny bit slimmer in the mid-80's and we will give you a place in the cloned incubator, and full credit of course. Any punk you think looks like a punk we might recognise not just a Sex Pistol are welcome TOO. Peter Don't Care