This is a page for a few of my views on the punk scene and life in general. A few of these columns have appeared in various punk publications already out of print, So I think it's fair to put em up on the page to give you an idea of what gets me up, down or extremely pissed off!.....
Don't forget if you disagree, agree or just wanna have your say on something that's inspired you or made you see red. The doors always open so send it in...others did so go check the gang of pissed off intinerants on the 'Collaborators' page.
British Politics stoops to an all time low. What a lot of us feared is now exposed in the national media about what these fuckers who make our laws, look after our welfare system and supposedly look out for the taxpaying public really do behind closed doors. Do we really need any more evidence on how corrupt our governing body is?
We all have our indulgences. Some are partial to dope, some prefer vinyl while others like a good spanking! Im afraid mines a bit more traditional and like my taste in punk i still get a kick out of going for a pint coz It's still the best form of entertainment in Britain today and heres why!
The state of punk and it's facilities in the UK today is either 100 band festivals every 12 months or empty backstreet pubs in the nations capitals. Hard, cold facts!
1% PUNK 99% SHIT!
Basically my viewpoint on the current punk scene. Hate to be a downer but punk from today is no better than when I first wrote this piece 2 years ago. Lets hope things change soon!
Fanzine writers are a perculiar breed. They'll either stick to you like glue or denounce you with hate. But they're as much a part of the punk scene as feedback, angst and studs are! This is a page for a few of my views on the punk scene and life in general. A few of these columns have appeared in various punk publications already out of print no doubt? But I think it's fair to put em up on the page to give you an idea of what gets me up, down or extremely pissed off!.....
We all know how corrupt, sleazy and cheating politicians can be. But recently in British Politics it was leaked just how deep the rot had set in. I'm sure most governents throughout the world are just as bad, but it don't make it any easier to bear.
This is a view I hope will rectify itself with the emergence of new intelligent, adventurous punk bands who will actually create their own sound and style without carbon copying what went on before and take the best elements of the past and carve it in their own style and sounds. Sadly that aint quite whats going on at the moment in Hardcore Punk!
After the recent biggesrt rock concert in World history was staged supposedly to ease World Poverty. I was left with a very sour taste in my mouth. I could not believe the ego trippers, the hypocrites and the down right fakeness of those who performed and what we were about to witness!
Love em or hate em. I was asked by a new UK zine (published next month) to contribute a column with a student theme! Being as I'm rusty in the Rant department of late, I thought why not, so here's my take on the situation!