January 1st: New Years Day just like any other fuckin' Tuesday!! I think I say this every year but hey I don't wanna break a medieval tradition. Started writing the Brummy gig review. Nice to have a good stock of Carling in the fridge though, and I managed to nip down the road for a few last night but it was only a few!!!! I miss the town. That's where I'm at home BUT YOU NEED SOMETHING CALLED MONEY TO GO UP THERE. Anyway started doin' the 1977 Calender...one down 364 to go phew!!! Wonder If I've took on more than I can chew, we'll see? All this and mountains more info will be fully covered in the '20th Century Punk Archives' which will definitely be launched sometime this year.
January: Fuckin hell Adam Ant has been sectioned off!!! Either a fucking desperate publicity stunt for his comeback tour in April or he's lost it big time?....bobdiddleyquockquock!!!
January 17th: Get the first new release in of the year and it's by North London's Active Slaughter and is a good un, look out for their review and interview comin' up very shortly.
January 26th: Went out today (shock horror!!!) and a small afternoon drink turned into a massive all-dayer!!! Resulting in me missing my daily 1977 calender updates for the first time duuuuuuuuhhhh!!! Apologies folks. Normal service will be resumed as soon as possible.
February - March
Through a massive error on my part I manage to wipe out half the fucking site including the Don't Care pages and it's contents so that's the reason for the big gap in the Diary extracts...took about 4 months to get back most of the lost pages and they're still some to go!!!
April: Since I've been away managed to take in one gig, found out some great new tips, got a CD Recorder and discovered Turbo Negro in their full turbulant glory, thanks to Welshy, cheers mate!!!
April 18th: Started getting the 'Don't Care' page back up today. Never realised it was read or missed by so few!!!! Ha! First up is the Diary, OK Paul!!! Really must get some reviews done zines and records are staring at me like lost puppys in a dogs home!
April 20th: Went up town today for a drink and on the way I seen Wolves banners hanging out local houses hmmmmmmm!!! gives me a sense of pride! FUCK THE SHIT!!! & ALBION!!! Bumped into one of my old punk mates from the early 80's...Jonah! Good to see him with his faculties still intact. I had a few drinks with him and we run through some of our old exploits, much to the amusement of those around the table.....(snigger). Once a punk always a punk!
April 21st: Not the best weekend I've had thats for sure and to top it off the battle with the old enemy has left me with a sick feeling. All I can say today is I'm gutted...WOLVES are in the play-offs while the SHIT bask in automatic promotion.... however in Wolves we NEVER SAY DIE!
April 25th: Got the latest EP from the resurrected Bips from Holland in today, and I gotta say it's a good un!!! Pure Punk Rock!!! Look out for the review up soon or just check em out for yourselves! Been writing some very much neglected reviews so look out for them real soon.
April 26th: FUCKING HEEELLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLL!!!! Lack of concentration on a MENIAL LITTLE PAGE SAVE HAS LEFT ME WITH HALF A FUCKING SITE YET AGAIN!!!!....PISSED OFF?............FUCKING TOO TRUE!!!!!!!! I spent most of today rebuilding for the second time within 3 months. I think I'm gonna live to regret not making copies of each page grrrrrrr!!!!!!! If your reading this now you know why the site ain't been updated for the last 24 or 48 hours.
April 28th: If the site problems ain't enough to contend with Wolves are taking it to the line once more!!!!!! NEVER SAY DIE one last time maybe!!!!!!!!!! Just got the missing pages in a reasonable order but still a few more to go, like the links and some columns but I can't face retyping a 100 addresses just yet I'm sure you'll sympathise!!!!
May 3rd: Having sufficiently recuperated the site and GOT OVER my Wolves dissapointment...now I can hopefully get back to some fuckin' reviews. Thanx again to all the bands and zines who have sent stuff in and waited patiently, much obliged! I ain't been lazy, it's just when I set a day out to do some, something comes up like a session, or the site gets lost...well you know what I mean!!!
May 15th: Well nothing much happening round here lately, just been getting my head down with some serious site work, reviews etc. and getting some CD's burned. Still messing about with the sound levels on this CD recorder. Should be adding the 'Don't Care' Retort page later today and I'm skint once more....just paid off my phone bill so gigs are on hold for a few weeks.
May 28th: Just had two 'TEXAS TERRI & THE STIFF ONES' live compilation videos in from Russell at Snerd videos (cheers Russ). Fuckin 'ell she's mad and Punk as fuck!!!...but a great entertainer. If you ain't heard em before just imagine a female Iggy Pop circa Raw Power and you'll be close. If your lucky enough to live in California check them out live coz it's guaranteed action packed!!!
June 2nd: The Pistols 'God Save The Queen' has crashed into the charts for the second time in 25 years at a very healthy number 15!!! Now that is exciting, fuck the reunion bring punk back in the charts! This time next week will see and expect the Pistols on TOTP's on Friday on video I hope. Some great FUCK THE JUBILEE gigs kicking off around the UK over the next few days too!!!!!
June 6th: Just heard Dee Dee Ramone has OD'd In Los Angeles. Not quite as shocking as Joey's demise coz you always
assumed he was livin on borrowed time, but still a major blow. He was a punk legend and the main who coined the intro
used by thousands of punk bands ever since..."1-2-3-4"...such a waste!
June 8th: The Damned were on (UK TV) Jonathon Ross show last night, lucky I taped it. They done a lively rendition of
'New Rose' live in the studio. The Captain's guitaring has improved, although he was letting artistic licence and 26 years
of chaos rise to the surface now and again. Vanian looked like a spiv from a 1930's silent film in tuxedo and bowler hat.
His Mrs looked very dark and sultry and head banging on bass, and the drummer Pinch has got Rat Scabies twitches
down to a tee. Good to see em in a stripped down original set up. They ended it with Captain Sensible jumping over the
interviewees settee which still had em on it including little Ronnie Corbett who looked bemused...nice one!!!
June 9th: So much for shocks, the Pistols drift out to number 30 in the UK charts, it looks like bye bye for another 25 years.
June 13th: Had two great videos sent in today from Joe in Belfast, cheers mate. Ain't had time to watch em all but from my first
impression its looking good. They're copies of the DIGITAL PUNK show that was aired on Play UK recently featuring: Punk
Roots / 76, '77, Go! / Punk Style / DIY ethic /Women & Punk / Punk Politics / 2nd wave / Post-punk / Back in the US / Nu
Millennium punk. Joe was one of the researchers.
June 14th: Bought the Sex Pistols box set today. Comes in a great package designed like a book. The ultra rare pictures
that the Sex Pistolites on their site were gushing about were a bit few and far between for my liking but it's a great package.
Jamie Reid gets a big snub although a lot of his artwork is there. Disc two has some great demo material and if your a fan
you'll love it, fuck those scratchy bootlegs this has the real quality.
June 19th: Gotta admit World Cup fever has taken over Wolverhampton, hence the big delay in the latest site updates but can
yer blame me? I'm having trouble with my freeserve account so hopefully no more delays. Roll on Friday and
June 21st: GUTTED!!!! Seaman needs his ponytail amputating....well I gotta blame someone!
July 8th: No Calender updates till later on this week. I'm busy fortifying the Wolf's Lair. If I can squeeze one in I will but it's looking remote. Normal service will be resumed on Friday.
July 15th: Finally got back on track with the 1977 calender after last weeks go slow. I realised I can't do two things at once. Looking forward to the gig on Wednesday should have some shots of the bands in action and a review if I stay sober enough.
July 17th: A rare breakout from the Wolfs lair takes me to Brum. Not a bad turnout considering it's HITS this weekend but headliners Runnin Riot failed to show leaving a gaping hole in tonights so so entertainment. They apparently had some agro amongst band members (tee hee). Full review with some pix if I'm very lucky (more camera trouble..duhhh) up soon. Meanwhile Green Day at Wembley is a small consolation prize (see gig reviews) and I only just found out Iggy missed out Brum on his current UK tour duuhhhh. Oh yeah got some Zine reviews up very soon too!!!
July 26th: Seen a fucking good gig tonight. Two great bands in totally different styles but definitely the best gig this year. The raunchy Mere Dead Men from Liverpool and the Hyperactive Brezhnev from Amsterdam are worth anyone's £3.00. The change of camera was a wise move and I anticipate some good shots of the bands in action....review up soon!
July 27th: This website is one year old today and i'm happy to say Tripod ain't messed me about once in 12 months, so if your after FREE reliable website hosting you could do a lot worse than here. Seems the Pistols have been named for a surprise second US show in September with a boatload of other bands!!!!
August 16th: Well these entrys seem to be few and far between lately, but no I ain't been slacking...far from it! Had a neat little package in today with 4 CD's from the Derita Sisters plus a nifty Ten year anniversary t-shirt, so I'm well pleased, cheers Mark. Look out for the UNBIASED reviews up soon. Also just started work on laying out possibly the biggest interview I've read concerning the Dead Kennedys bitter inter-band legal battle. Christeen from Portland is punks first REAL investigative journalist all questions asked!!!! If your a fan or just curious about what the main players actually think about it all then check it out it's a very intriging read. I'm hoping to get it all up by the weekend, so I'm working flat out on that as well as the '77 Calender entrys. Any more news????..... well WOLVES 3 WALSALL 1 sounds good to me!!!!
September 2nd: Had a wedding invite through the post today from my old mates the Punk 4 Pussy's. Anyone remember them.....nahh before your time? Well I ain't seen em or heard of em for about 2 years, had some great times at their gigs in the late 90's. Well it seems Linz and Chris are finally tieing the knot, about fucking time too you dirty pair of stop outs. Second punk wedding ive been invited too since Paddy the punks ill-fated weekend carry on back in the early 80's (snigger). Darlo here I come!!!!
September 6th: Finally got to see Active Slaughter live tonight and they didn't disappoint. Fucking great new hope for the British punk scene check em out now!!!! Full review up soon!
October 16th: YIPPPPPPEEEEEEEEEEE I finally paid off this PC. Watch the fucker go and die a death on me..........!!!!
October 25th: What a relief. I've spent the last 5 days in MS-Dos mode limbo and it's a very dark and lonely place to be.Cheers to Ade the engineer who freed me for a very reasonable price. No thanks to the other so-called money grabbing fiends who pose as PC repairs and wanted blood for the same 20 minute job and who let me believe I was gonna lose the lot before they robbed me blind tut tut. Well the sun is shining, I'm in high spirits and I got Carling in the Fridge, plus the making of the Pistols 'Never Mind The Bollocks' which I thought I'd missed is screened on ITV3 tommorrow NIGHT. Regular updates can now resume resume forth width!
October 30th: Witnessed tonight another reason why punk rock is alive and kicking in the UK. Edinburgh's very own Sad Society were the culprits so check em out coz when they do make a rare appearance they're worth it. Picked up another new set of demos which are fucking good too, cheers Deek. Reviews up very soon.
November 4th: Bought a book today, second one this year, I must be really turning into a nerd. It's looking a good read though if your
into the Stranglers. Its a bit late for the calender but some of this info would've been very welcome indeed. Did you know JJ Burnels
unique bass sound was coz he used a dilapidated bass cab with 16 speakers that all eventually blew giving him that rough dirty sound.
He lost it (the sound that is) in his later career due to buying new equipment tut tut. If you spot it check it out its called 'The Stranglers
Song By Song' by Hugh Cornwell ISBN 1-86O74-362-5.
December 4th: Bad Day at Black rock! Got the social on my back blackmailing me to go on some fucking shitty gateway course, tried
to sign into E-bay and failed seems, my old debit card is fucked even though its not even expired??? and if that ain't enough, just
spent most of the day doing some new record reviews and was just about to save em when i dropped a video on the keyboard
causing me to lose em all grrrrrrrrr! They say things come in 3's well I think all mine are used up!
December 7th: Finally got round to seeking new refuge for my expanding gallerys and Angelfire came out on top as the best alternative.
So from next year hoping to transfer the gallerys over there the page layout will be the same as Tripod except the 3-d backgrounds
may have to be sacrificed but I'm checking this out....best news for quite a while regarding webspace.
December 12th: Today was probably the worst day I've had for years. Sometimes things are meant to happen no matter how much
you know it's gonna hurt and right now I'm numb. My head tells me one thing, my instincts tell me another but instinct has never let
me down yet. Something was up and has been for months...I know that now!!! I know I've done the right thing for all concerned even
though its sucks right this minute...it's for the best and time to move on! Thanx for the last 2 years ill never forget em!
December 16th: In this life you meet a lotta shitty fuckers, but then just by chance if your very lucky you meet the best! I bumped into
one of the Best via Destroy All Monsters and today that chance meeting was re-confirmed!
December 23rd: One second they take 'em, then and one second they create em! Hello Trinity... goodbye Joe!