Can't believe a decade has gone since I last wrote an entry in my punk diary!!!
2022 sounds like science fiction don't it, well it did maybe 30 years ago. Thought
I'd go with a neat shiny, white rubber background this year, well that was the plan.
But the grim reality is we still got Covid, we still got energy prices shooting up
while most of the rich elite are still robbing us blind and breaking all the rules!
Yeah some things never change. Oh and Russia's on the warpath!
However what has changed for me, is I seem to have regained my writing bug
once more, which I have to admit totally left me many months at a time over the
last few years. I threw myself into designing the Torcha Shed compilation CD
which took me months to get right, but turned out really good in the end. Still
ain't found Mark Nowhere, so if anyone reading this knows a contact number or
email address, please lemme know. Been reading a lot lately too, those audio
books are great for me, you can even do other stuff while it rumbles on in the
background. That certainly powered up my writing urge. Also I had to move on
from my trusty but ancient yahoo free site builder which this site has for the main
been designed and built with for the last few decades. A big jump to wysiwyg builder which I recommend as it's around £49 and in the long run will save hundreds on those restrictive annoying WIX, weebly website programs that fleece you every month for banner restricted shells and little scope for imagination.
FEBRUARY 12th: Receive a neat download of the long awaited new Anarchistwood album called 'CHIASMATA' which will be released on March 10th on vinyl and CD formats. Featuring 13 tracks of the weird and wonderful Anarchistwood sound which will take you in a lot of directions so check it out.
FEBRUARY 25th: Jeeeez 60 years old today, didn't celebrate it at all had to work, and stone cold sober! But I can't complain, coz I never in a million years thought I'd survive this long when I was 21. On a really more sober front Russia have just invaded Ukraine. Now everyone's future has just got bleaker!
FEBRUARY 26th: Just heard the sad news Nicky Tesco, a founding member and singer of
UK punks The Members, has died aged 66. The news was confirmed in a post on Tesco’s
Facebook page, which simply said that Tesco had “left the building” and died on Saturday
(February 26). I always thought their ground breaking moment was the 'Sound Of The Suburbs'
45 which I first heard on John Peel in 1979. I immediately brought it and played it constantly
and on the B-side was one of punks best instrumentals 'Handling The Big Jets' fuckin' class,
never get bored of hearing those tunes!
APRIL 3rd: More sad news today, Jordan the Face of the original UK punk scene has sadly
passed away. She seemed truly gracious and modest about her contribution to the punk
scene. A lot of punks think all the arty stuff from the early era was bollocks, but she created
a living breathing visual art piece that many have copied but few have ever equalled, if any.
I'm just reviewing her biography 'Defying Gravity' I brought it when it came out and finally
decided to review it after leaving it in my review pile for way too long. Just as I'm ironing out
the final draft I heard the news from friends. She died in East Sussex on 3 April 2022 from
cholangiocarcinoma, aged 66.