The reason we all got into punk in the first place was the sounds, the vibes and the pure adrenalin. Here are some of the classic and some of the plastics that have been released over the last few decades!
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(Latest reviews in YELLOW)
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Honey Bane - 'You Can Be You' 12"
Slow Faction - 'Culture & Other Wars' CD
Anarchistwood - 'Chiasmata' LP
Rudimentary Peni - 'Rudimentary Peni' 45
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Visible Fucker/Stinkers - 'Chiba Trash Punk' Split CD
The Goddamn's - 'Scavenger' Double CD
(PAGE 1)
Various - 'Southend Punk Volume 1' CD
The MR - 'You Are Just R&R Backer' CDEP
Sore Throat - 'Who Killed Gumby' CD
UDA - 'Here Comes The Chaos Again' CDEP
Sleaford Mods - 'All That Glue' 2XCD
The Chats - 'High Risk Behaviour' CD/LP
The Cravats - 'Hoorahland' CD
(PAGE 1)
The Outcasts - 'Stay Young' CDEP/Vinyl
Hooligan - 'Dublin City Rockers' 45
Steve Ignorant's Slice Of Life - 'Don't Turn Away' CD
Amyl And The Sniffers - S/T CD
The Briefs - 'Platinum Rats' CD
Headsticks - 'Kept In The Dark' CD
Louise Distras - 'Street Revolution' CDEP
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The Droogettes - 'Clockwork Girls' CD
The Violators - 'Tied To The Tracks' CDEP/Vinyl
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Pussycat And The Dirty Johnsons - 'Ain't No Pussy' CD
Soap Girls - 'Socity's Rejects' CD
Acid Blood - 'Dagger Eyes' EP 45
The Rockin Horse Club - 'Straight White Male' 45
Hooligan featuring Christy Dignam 'Teenage Rebel' CDEP
The Cravats - 'Dustbin Of Sound' CD
Darko - 'Bonsai Mammoth' CD
(PAGE 1)
Full Strike -'Where Does The WindCome From?' CDEP
Socks For Cocks - 'Fast Fun Punk' CD
Black Donnellys - 'Orchestrate A Disaster' CDEP
Steve Ignorant with Paranoid Visions - 'Now And Then...!' CD
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Antibodies - 'Happy New Year Zero' CD
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The Boys - 'Punk Rock Menopause' CD
Neon Hearts - 'Dangerous Planet' CDEP
Dragster - 'Dead Punk' CD
The T 55's - 'Power Up' 12" EP
(PAGE 1)
Various - 'Dangerhouse Complete Singles Collection
1977-1979' CD
Sado-Nation - 'Disruptive Pattern' LP
Vampire Junkies featuring Texas Terri - CDEP
Antagonizers ATL. - 'Hold Your Ground' CDEP
(PAGE 1)
Subversive Fire - ‘Wage Rage’ CDEP
Various - ‘Bored Teenagers Vol. 6’ 2xCD
The Men That Will Not Be Blamed For Nothing - ‘This Maybe
The Reason Why The Men That Will Not Be Blamed For
Nothing Cannot Be Killed By Conventional Weapons' CD
Biteback - ‘Bitten And Twisted’ CD
Hard Case - 'Waiting For The Ship To Come In' Promo CDEP
(PAGE 1)
Hooligan - 'Prodigal Son' CDEP
Epic Problem - Demo #2 CDEP
The Machines - S/T CD
External Menace - 'Early Demos EP 1979-84' 45
Paranoid Visions - 'Outsider Artist' 45
Sham 69 - 'Dare To Win' CD Single
Poundaflesh - CDEP
Hardcase - 'Not Right In The Head' CD
Epic Problem - Demo CDEP
New York Dolls - 'Dancing Backwards In High Heels' CD
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GBH - 'Perfume And Piss' CD
Sham 69 - 'Who Killed Joe Public' CD
UK Subs - 'Dance & Travel In The Robot Age' CD
The Asassinators - 'Weaving Spiders Come Not Here CD
PiL - 'ALiFE 2009' 2xCD
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Green Day - '21st Century Breakdown' CD
Red Flag 77 - 'Rotten On The Inside' CD
Coitus - 'Fucked Into Oblivion' CD
Hard Case - 'Ain't No Hiding' CDEP
Chocking Susan - 'Detroit Punk' CD
Abrasive Wheels - 'Skum' CD
The Snazzy Boys - 'S/T LP
Runnin Riot ' - 'Boots & Ballads' CD
Rancid - 'Let The Dominoes Fall' CD
Decontrol - 'Inner City Riots' C
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Girlfixer - Promo CD
Dishcharge - 'Disensitise; CD
(PAGE 2)
Devilish Presley - 'Flesh Ride' CD
Destructors666/Dirty Love - Split CDEP
Broken Minds - CD (Demo)
Destructors666/Eastfield - 'Labor Omnia Vincit' CDEP
The Rabble - 'The New Generation' Promo CD
Silent Meow - S/T CD
London PX - 'Orders' 45
Bug Central - 'Dead Town' CD
Destructors666/White Clouds & Gunsmoke - Split CD
Silent Meow - 'Kitty Porn' CDEP
Violent Fuckwits - 'Ignore The Pain' CDEP
D'Corner Bois/Barse - 'Everythings A Mess' Split CD
(PAGE 1)
999 - 'Death In Soho' CD
Turbo Negro - 'Retox' - CD
Destructors666 - Mini CD
Decontrol - 'Grannys Fireside Favourites' CD
Silent Meow - 'They Can See In The Dark' CDEP
Violent Fuckwits - 'Beyond Redemption' CD
Destructors 666/The Ruined - '777' CDEP
(PAGE 2)
Barse - 'If You Can't Fuck Em....' CD/LP
Destructors666/Fletch Cadillac- Split CDEP
Alcohol Licks - 'Licks 4 Kicks' CDEP
The Damned - '30th Anniversary Box set' CD
Destructors 666 - 'Many Were Killed...' CD
Doll Stake - Demo CD
Antibodies - 'Concrete Rockers Go Up Town' 45
Drongos For Europe - 'Deaths A Career' LP
Runnin' Riot - 'The Best of. Runnin' Riot'' CD
Destructors666/$UP - No Parasan' CDEP
Lower Class Brats - Live & Out Of Tune CD/DVD
Psycho Negatives/No White Rag - Hopes & Illusions 45
(PAGE 1)
Lower Class Brats - 'New Seditionaries' CD
Derita Sisters - 'The Band That Refused To die!' CD
Antibodies - 3 Track promo CD
The Great St Louis - 'Forever Now' CD
The Cramps - 'Songs The Lord Taught Us' CD
The Cramps - 'Off The Bone' CD
Destructors666 - '06:06:06' CD Single
The Ruined - 'Here Lies...' CD
Destructors666/Radicus - Split CDEP
(PAGE 2)
GreenDay/U2 - 'The Saints Are Coming' 45
Mouthguard - 'Killed by...' CD
Head Clinic - 'Promo' CD
Destructors666/The Ruined - Split CDEP
Various - 'Ugly Truth About Blackpool' Vol 2 CD
Destructors666/The925's - Split CD
Disconvenience - 'Umea Punk City' LP
Various - 'Anti-Capitalism' CD
Sick 56 - 'Punishment' CD
Crack Whore - 4 Track Demo CD
The Axidents - 'Rejoice' CDEP
Apocalypse Babys - 'The More You Drink...'
(PAGE 3)
Lost Cherrees - 'Free To Speak...' CD
3CR - 'Fuckin' Do It!' CD
Antibodies - 'Antithology Volume 2' CD
Antibodies - 'Antithology Volume 1' CD
Towers Of London - 'Blood Sweat & Towers'
Killing Joke - 'Hosanna Beads' CD
P.A.I.N. - 'Oh My God! Were Doing it! CD
Soldier Dolls - '81 2 85' LP
New York Dolls - 'One Day It Will Please Us To
Remember Even This' CD
Inglorious Bastards - Demo CD
1000 Drunken Nights - 'Rowdy Kings' EP
The Hypocrites - 'Shitty Demo' CD
(PAGE 1)
The Briefs - 'Steal Yer Heart' LP/CD
Drongos For Europe - 'Hotline To Hades' CD
New York Rel-X - 'Sold Out Of Love' CD
The Confession - 'The Confession' CDEP
Various - 'I Love NY Punk' CD
Mr Nipples - 'Stamp Out Straight Edge' 2x CDs
(PAGE 2)
Various - 'Macc Lads Tribute' CD
Intention - 'Afraid At The Edges' CD
Litterbug - 'Speaking Through The Gaps' CD
Derita Sisters - 'Get Off My Property' CD
Derita Sisters - 'Souvenir Of Wasted 2005' EP
Fire Exit - 'Were Just Punks' CD
Violent Fuckwits - 'Romper Room Rock' CD
Fire Exit - 'Time Wall' (Reissue CD)
Ruefrex - 'Capital Letters...the Best Of' CD
The Disruptors - 'Gas The Punks' CD
Shame Academy - Punk Rock For Dummies CD
The System - 'Is Still Murder' CD
(PAGE 3)
Sick 56/Higgins+++ - 'New Day New Enemy' 45
Various - The Ugly Tuth About Blackpool' CD
Man Over Bored - 5 Track Demo CD
The Square Peg - 'Regeneration' CD
Various - 'Conform Or Die' 2xCD's
AFS - 'Tales Of A Drunken Generation' CD
Purgatory State - 'Seek & Betray' CDEP
Holy Racket - 'North Rebel Radio' CDEP
Sado-Nation - 'Future Past, Present, Tense' CD
Disconvenience - 'War On Wankers' 45
The Vendetta - 'Terror Forever' 45
Barnyard Masturbator - Unleash The Cock CD
(PAGE 4)
Various - 'Anti-State' CD
Neck - 'Sod Em & Begorrah!' CD
Lost Cherrees - Sampler #1' CD
Turbo Negro - 'Party Animals' CD
Synko - 'Subject To Change' CD
Antibodies - Demo CD
Last Under The Sun - 'All Empires...' CDEP
Towers Of London - 'On A Noose' CD/7"
Billy Idol - 'Devils Playground' CD
Rudi - 'The Radio Sessions 79-81' CD
Various - 'Anti-War' CD
Various - 'The Roots Of The Sex Pistols' CD
(PAGE 1)
The Partisans - 'Idiot Nation' CD
Kraul - 'Freedom' CD
Drongos For Europe - 'Barcode Generation' CD
The Red Eyes - 'Norah Louise Kuzma' CDEP
Spittin Vicars - 'Gospel According To...' CD
The Briefs - 'Singles Only' CD
The Briefs - 'Sex Objects' CD
Swellbellys/Dishonour Squad - Split 45
Cropknox - 'Do What' EP 45
(PAGE 2)
1000 Drunken Nights/Billy Riot & The Fuckwits -
'Drunken Fuckwit Diplomacy' CD
The Bips - 'If Life Was Like...' CD
Disconvenience - 'Bombs Away' CDEP
Apocalypse Babys - 'Alcoholacaust' CD
Assert/Swellbellys - Split 45
Hotwired - 'Make It Count' CD
Damn Dirty Apes - CDEP
External Menace - Demo CD
Last Under The Sun - 'Windfall' CD
Sick 56/Higgins ++ - 'Blackpool' 45
Die Hunns - 'Long Legs' CD
(PAGE 3)
External Menace - 'The Process Of Elimination' CD
Blastmat/Second Class Citizen - 'Split' CD
Sensa Yuma - 'Up Yours!' CD
Texas Terri Bomb - Your Lips...My Ass' CD
Derita Sisters - 'Dead Punks Live' CD
Various - 'Hardcore From The Early Days' CD
Apocalypse Babys - '7" Plus!' CD
The Lurkers - 'Live Freakshow' CD
Oppressed Logic - 'The Ones That Control' CD
Mere Dead Men - 'Lets Do It' CD
Fuck Hate Propaganda - 7 Track Demo
Cropknox - 'Rock And Rot' LP
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Death Squad - 'Final Solution' EP
Rotten Bois - 'Pogo Beer And Spikey Hair' CD
(PAGE 2)
Bad Habits - 'Do America' CD
The Threats - '12 Punk Moves' CD
Various - 'Dirtnap Across The Northwest' CD
Various - 'Riot Down The Lane Again' CD
Various - 'Northwest Kicked In The Nuts' CD
Cock Sparrer - 'Back Home' CD
The Square Peg - 'Echoes Of War' CD
Disconvenience - 'Ready, Aim, Fire!' CD
Sad Society - 'Religion' Demo CD
Superyob - 'Ghetto Blaster' CD
The Skulls - 'The Golden Age Of Piracy' CD
Dina - 'Work The Switch' CD
(PAGE 3)
Barse - 'Better Be Ready' 45
The Fight - MCD
Deadline - 'Back For More' CD
The Revolvers - 'End Of Apathy' CD
Bug Central/Crashed Out - Split Tape
Various - 'Where The Bad Boys Rock' CD
Spittin' Vicars - 4-Track Demo CD
Death Squad - 'Dead Rockers' Demo CD
Gut Wrench - 'Gin & Juice' Demo Tape
Killing Joke - 'Killing Joke' CD
Terminal City Ricochet - 'Rough Cut' CD
Cropknox - 'Just Can't Live...' 45
(PAGE 4)
Rancid - 'Indestructible' CD
Spector 45 - '16 With A Bullet' CD
The Suspects DC - 'Courtesy Flush Version1.0' CD
Narcoleptic Youth - 'How To Fake Your Death' CD
Damnation - 'The Unholy Sounds of Damnation' CD
Adam West - 'Gods Gift To Women' CD
The Briefs - 'Off The Charts' CD
Active Slaughter - 'Ave A Butchers' CD
Dennis Most & The Instigators -'Wire My Jaw' CD
Public Execution - 'Eye For An Eye' CD
Disturbance - 'Malice In...' CD
H8-Target - 'Demo' CD
(PAGE 5)
$hame Academy - 'Rehearsals Tape'
Derita Sisters 77 - 'Back To No Future' CD
Turbo Negro - 'Scandinavian Leather' CD
The Runs - 'So Bad We're Good' CD
The Heartaches - 'Lunacy & Devestation' CD
Conflict - 'Carlo Guiliano' 45
The Instigators - 'Dine Upon The Dead' CD
Various - 'Up Yours...' CD
Mad Sin - 'Sweet & Innocent...' CD
The Meteors - 'Psychobilly' CD
Venerea - 'Out In The Red' CD
The Forgotten/Heartaches - Split CD
(PAGE 1)
Even Worse - 'You've Ruined Evrything' CD
(PAGE 2)
NY Relix - 'Paranoia'/'She's Got A Gun' CD
Cranked Up! - 'A Call For Solidarity' CD
The Meanwells - Demo CD
Derita Sisters - 'The Great Satan' CD
The Incitors - 'Still No Future' CD Demo
The Fall - 'Totally Wired' CD
Rudi - 'Collection' LP
Grimple - S/T CD
Rudi - 'Demos' LP
Kylesa - S/T CD
Pigfish - 'Snowy...' CD
Nobodys Heroes - 45
(PAGE 3)
DropDead/Totalitar - CDEP
Weekly Carouse - CDEP
Sad Society - Demo 2
Kismet HC - 'Equality' CD
Drunken War/Gurlish Figure - 45
Various - 'Nosebleed' CD
Derita Sisters - '1 2 Fuck You' CD
Various - 'Anteaters Vs Helmets' CD
Sex Pistols - 'Sexbox' CD
Various -'NX1' Tape
Various - 'NX2' Tape
Various - 'NX3' Tape
(PAGE 4)
Mad Sin - 'Survival' CD
Blowjobs - Demo CD
Spitts - 'Circulation' CD
Pits - 'Face Of England' CD
Brilliant Sins - 'Bedroom...' CD
Revolvers - 'Tribute' CD
Bips - 'Real...' 45
Active Slaughter - 'Smash HLS' CD
Hotwired - Demo
Sad Society - Demo
Wifebeaters - 45
Various - 'Underground' CD
(PAGE 1)
X-Ray Spex - 'The Anthology' CD
Voice Of A Generation - 'Odddsville' CD
Burst - 'Conquest' CD
Various - 'Direct Action' CD
(PAGE 2)
Various - 'Unorganised Chaos' CD
Antibodies - 'Glamour...' CD
Sado-Nation - 'Teal Project' CDEP
Anarchy Spanky - 'Sugar & Spice' CD
Derita Sisters - 'Whore Stories' CD
Various - 'Punk Shit Vol 1' CD
Derita Sisters - 'My Bad' CD
Duane Peters & the Hunns - 'Tickets...' CD
Church Of Confidence - 'Blues...' CD
Guyana Punchline - 'Irritanment' CD
Scrotum Grinder - 'Sonic...' CD
Thug Murder - '13th Hole' CD
(PAGE 3)
Red Eyes - 'Prescription' CD
HomeBrew - 45
Dun 2 Def - 45
Anti Flag - 'Underground Army' CD
Smooth And Greedy - S/T CD
Apocalypse Babies - 'Racket...' 45
Hotwired - 'Friday Night' CD
The Spades - 'Friday...' CD
Stool Sample - 'Brown...' CD
Various - 'Bad Teeth #1' CD
Stiffs - 'Innocent Bystanders' CD
US Chaos/Statch & The Rapes - 45
(PAGE 4)
MDM - 'United' CD
Seein Red/Human Alert - 45
Various - 'Hyped To Death #12' CD
Bloody Sods - '4 Years...' CD
Positively Negative - 'Spree...' 45
Affray - Tape
Pits - 'Advance tracks' CD
Stiffs - 'Stiffology' CD
Various - 'Industrial Strength' CD
Class Assassins - CD
Derita Sisters - 'V-Boy Riot' CD
Stilletto Boys - 'Buzzbomb' CD
(PAGE 1)
Intensive Care - animal CD
Rabid Grannies - 'Pirate songs' Tape
(PAGE 2)
Youth Gone Mad - 'Ooompa' CD
Riotgun - Bound 45
Outface - TV 45
Homeboys - Sunday 45
Positively Negative - American CD
Various - Punk invasion #6 CD
Partisans - Best of CD
4 Past Midnight - Mental tape
Portrait of Poverty - Princes 45
IOD - Mundane Existence CD
Forgotten Rebels - Heros CD
Narcolepic Youth/Voids - Split 45
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Guitar Gangsters - Lords CDEP
Bloody Sods - Fight comp CD
In The Shit - Cancerous LP
Fake Patriots - Nonsense CD
Grisley Ghosts Of Guy - Witch 45
Pigfish - Reverend James CD
Decipher - tape
Opaque - CDEP
Various - Noise Annoys CD
Intention - tape
Various - Boston Punk CD
Rabble Rousers - Street CD
(PAGE 4)
Toxic Narcotic - CD
Barse 77 - Tape
Less - Walk CD
Various - Brewed in Canada CD
Terminus City - My Castle 45
Deritas Sisters - Nobody Cares CD
Dannys Wednesdays - S/T CD
NCS - Final CD
Vectors - Rape The Pope 45
Apocalypse Babies - Vive Le Revolution CD
PAIN - Ouch CD
Bug Central - Money & Riots 45
(PAGE 1)
UK Subs - Huntington Beach' CD
The Boys - To Hell With CD
The Crack - Best Of...CD
The Drones - Sorted' CD
The Ejected - Best of... ' CD
Special Duties - 'Live At CBGB'S' CD
Narcoleptic Youth - Barbi 45
Nothings - Learn CD
Steroids/Dipsomanie - split 45
Pigfish - Champagne tape
PMT - 'Pissed, Mouthy Trollops 45
Brezhnev - 'North America Sucks' CD
(PAGE 2)
Bladder Bladder Bladder - Radio Tape
T. Anders Carson - 'Stain' CD
Various - Mcbollocks CD
Bladder Bladder Bladder - On The Job Tape
Badtown Boys - Fine CD
Stiffs - Punk Collection CD
Pillage People - Retards CD
Starjets - God bless CD
The Boys - The Boys CD
Assert - Left Oppostion CD
Destination Venus - Brown CD
TV Men - Channel CD
Killswitch - demo tape
(PAGE 3)
Charlie Harper - 'Urban dogs' CD
Bloody Sods - Hate 45
Gee Strings - Alternative CD
Adulescents - Mucus tape
Pigfish - demo tape
Lager Lads - Good Bad CD
Inter - CDEP
Watershed - demo tape
Roadrage - Suicide 45
Special Duties - Wish it 77 45
Mad Chihuahuas - Live tape
Rabid Grannies - Millenium tape
(PAGE 4)
Red Alert - 'Punk Rock rarities' CD
Chelsea - 'Punk Rock rarities' CD
Dehumanized - 'Problems' CD
Posers - 'Posers; CD
Expelled - 'Punk Rock Collection' CD
Concrete Sox 99 - 45
Icons of Filth - Live...' 45
Sludgefest - CDEP
Bug Central - 'The Meek...' CD
IDK - Demo CD
In The Shit - 'Damned...' 45
Twinkles - 'Pogo kids' 45
1998 & OLDER
(PAGE 1)
Shattered Faith - 1982 CD
Misfits - Static Age (Reviewed by Sam Sinister)
Narcoleptic Youth - Classified Tape
Narcoleptic Youth/Atomic Bombs - Split CD
Various - Brum Scum Tape
Voids - Tape
Chelsea - Punk Singles CD
UK Subs - Endangered Species CD
Bug Central - Spitting Demo CD
Derita Sisters - Syllagomania CD
Wall - Punk Collection CD
Skeptix - Pure Punk Rock CD
Red Eyes - Eyes CD
Vectors - Comp tape
Brezhnev - Party 45